Girls frontline ump45 equipment
Girls frontline ump45 equipment

girls frontline ump45 equipment

White Faction units appear as enemies during the VA-11 HALL-A crossover event, despite neither them nor KCCO having been officially introduced for those servers at the time. Early-Bird Cameo: For the EN and JP versions.

girls frontline ump45 equipment

Alternatively, it is also considered a mark of great shame, as those deemed worthy by the "Father" are given actual names, When referred to as a Nyto by RO635 in Shattered Connexion, Nimogen was instantly disgusted and asserted that she should not be blatantly called an inferior classification. Do Not Call Me "Paul": According to Mercurows and Nimogen, "Nyto" is a generic name referring to all mass-produced clones forming the core of Paradeus's forces.


A unit with full shielding (100%) will completely nullify all incoming damage to both its health and shield, making it effectively invincible, and require Fire Support Teams to defeat said shielding note These shields take FULL damage from FSTs based on the unit's "Armor Break" stat. They differ from the former in that the shield reduces incoming damage based on the percentage of it remaining, which also applies to the shield itself note For example, an Ulhan with 40% shield remaining will reduce the incoming damage dealt to both health and shielding by the next shot that hits by the same amount.

  • Deflector Shields: Most White Faction units, including all of their bosses, come with shields that which function differently than the "Force Shield" seen on many SF bosses, and (prior to Op CT) on MP5, Thompson and G36C (Unit is invulnerable during the shield's duration), and the HP shields found on Agent, Shield Fairy, and SAT-8 (Unit invulnerable until shield expires or is destroyed).
  • It was later revealed that they are partially made from real human beings.
  • Cyborg: In contrast to G&K/SF dolls (whose appearances are meant to replicate human beings) and KCCO units (who eschews lifelike exteriors in favor of utilitarian designs), several the White Faction units combine human-like features with overt mechanical parts.
  • Cult: With their recruitment method and units being powered by the faith of the people, RO can't help but to call them a cult.
  • It's later revealed in the Polarized Light event that the Nytos' design was influenced by Lunasia, much like M4's was.
  • Chekhov's Gun: When the Commander first comes face-to-face with their unknown captors in the Continuum Turbulence event (specifically, a trio of Nyto Black models), they say that their faces look familiar, seemingly at random.
  • girls frontline ump45 equipment

    Big Bad: After Sangvis Ferri is reduced to non-fighting strength and KCCO leadership is disavowed by the rest of Soviet Union military forces, Paradeus steps up to take the main antagonist faction mantle in Dual Randomness.

    Girls frontline ump45 equipment